ピム・ラマースは1993年生まれ。オランダ北部フリースランド州の田舎で育つ。子供の頃に物語を書き始め、十代で書いた短編小説がオランダのWrite Now! Amsterdam賞を受賞。2017年、「ぼく、ひつじじゃなくてぶたなんだ」でデビューし、翌年には銀の石筆賞を史上最年少で受賞した。2020年、「ぼく、ひつじじゃなくてぶたなんだ」の続編である絵本 De boer en de dierenarts (ミルヤ・プラーファン絵)がミュンヘン国際児童図書館のホワイト・レイブンズに選出される。文芸誌に作品を発表したり、舞台で朗読活動を行ったりしている。
Born in 1993, Pim Lammers grew up on the Frisian countryside and has been writing ever since he was a child. In his teens he wrote his first ‘real’ story and won the WriteNow! Contest in Amsterdam.
In the meantime Pim has been writing for both adults and children. In 2017 his debut ‘The Lam That Was a Piglet’ (Het lammetje dat een varkentje is) came out. It’s the first Dutch transgender-picture book with illustrations by Milja Praagman. In 2018 Pim received a Silver Slate for this book which made him the youngest Slate-winner in the history of this award. In 2020, the sequel to ‘The Lam That Was a Piglet’ titled ‘The Farmer and the Vet’ received the White Raven Award by the International Youth Library in Munich. For adults Pim has been writing several stories which he publishes in literary magazines and which he recites on literary evenings.
長山さき 訳