Born in Brussels, Dimitri Piot is a visual artist working in the fields of comic strips and illustration. He pursued Art Studies in Namur before entering the comic strip section at St. Luc art school, in Brussels. After graduating, he became an apprentice of Frédéric Dufoor, a realist figurative painter working in the ancient Rodin workshop in Brussels.
For two years, Dimitri Piot has collaborated with Jacques Martin, creator of the classic comic strip hero Alix, on history books for the Casterman publishing house. In 2009, he wrote and drew Koryu d’Edo, a graphic novel for the publisher Glénat, where he started experimenting with narrative novels through the ukiyo-e movement.
The work of Dimitri Piot has also been solicited for collective publications, magazines, book illustrations and newspapers. His works has been exhibited in Kyoto, Milan, New York, Paris and Brussels.
Influence of ukiyo-e on the artist
The ukiyo-e movement started in the years 1670 and ended in 1912. Dimitri’s vision is to reinterpret this movement as if it had extended itself to the present day. He has created out of date images that confront the ukiyo-e attitude to our modern subjects.
Various technics are used; Dimitri Piot starts with pencil sketches to outline the characters, then inks his designs on Schoellershammer paper. The work is then scanned and mixed with elements previously created manually with watercolour, acrylics, charcoal etc.
This process allows the artist to obtain the right tints for each of the graphic components of the final result.
ディミトリ・ピオはブリュッセル生まれのイラストレーター、バンド・デシネ作家。 ナミュール市で美術を学んだ後、ブリュッセルサンルック学院のバンド・デシネ学科に入学。卒業後は、ブリュッセルにてロダンの旧アトリエにスタジオを構えるフィギュラティブ・アート画家、フレデリック・デュフォール氏のもとで数ヶ月間修行を積む。
フランスとベルギーで著名なバンド・デシネ『Alix(アリックス)』の作者ジャック・マルタン氏と共に2年間に渡ってカステルマン出版で歴史に関する書籍を共同製作。 2009年にはグレナ社から短編バンド・デシネ『Koryu d’Edo』を出版。この作品を通して浮世絵スタイルのナレーションを確立していく。
作品の完成までには様々な技術を用いる。始めにテーマを確定させるべくデッサンを重ね、黒いインクと墨でSchoellershammer紙に最終的な絵を描く。その後、絵をスキャン し水彩、アクリル、チャコールや、より伝統的な原料をデジタル化する。コンピューターは連通管のような役割を果たし、このプロセスによって絵の最終カラーを決定して行く。