
Hungarian and Polish literature in Japanese translation


English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation

4 Mon. (National holiday) 13:15 - 14:15
Delegation of the European Union to Japan Schuman Auditorium

Mari Okamoto, professor and translator of Hungarian literature, will present the second volume of the works of Kosztolányi Dezső recently published in Japanese. She will be joined by Mitsuyoshi Numano, expert in Polish and Slavic literature, who will present notable works of Polish literature recently available in Japanese translation, for a discussion on translating classic and contemporary literature from Europe.


Professor, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University. Research topics include modern Hungarian literature and language movement of modern Hungary. Translator of the works of Kosztolányi Dezső into Japanese.

Mitsuyoshi NUMANO

Professor of Slavic Language and Literature at the University of Tokyo with a specialisation in Russian and Polish literature. Literary critic. Former lecturer at Warsaw University. Studied at Harvard University as a Fulbright fellow under the Polish poet  Stanislaw Baranczak. Received the 2002 Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities for A String of Sleepless Nights: Essays on Exile Literature and the 2004 Yomiuri Literature Prize for Utopian Literature. Translations from Polish include SolarisThe Man from Mars, and A Perfect Vacuum by Stanisław Lem, and The End and the Beginning by Wisława Szymborska, and Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia and the Key to Heaven by Leszek Kołakowski.

Delegation of the European Union to Japan

Europa House, 4-6-28 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku
Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line "Hiroo" station, Exit 1 (10 minute walk)