
Reading and discussion: Thomas Brussig “Wie es leuchtet”


English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation

3 Sun. (National holiday) 16:00 - 17:00
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo Agnelli Hall

Thomas Brussig, best known for his satirical works dealing with the fall of the German Democratic Republic, reads from his novel Wie es leuchtet and discusses his work with Mario Kumekawa (professor, Keio University) who has translated some of Brussig’s works into Japanese.


Thomas Brussig was born in Berlin in 1964. He made his debut as a novelist in 1991 with Wasserfarben, followed by Helden wie wir (1995), which won him international acclaim. His books have been translated into over 30 languages worldwide, and he is known not only for his novels but also for his play and film scripts.  In 2000, he received, together with Leander Haußmann, the German Film Award for Best Screenply for the film Sonnenallee. Other awards include the Carl Zuckmayer Medal in 2005, and the German Comedy Award in 2012 for the screenplay to the film Stankowskis Millionen.


Professor, Faculty of Letters Department of Humanities and Social Science (Literature), Keio University. Vice-Director, Keio University Art Center (KUAC).

Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo

2-1-30 Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo Metro Tozai Line, Hanzomon Line / Toei-Shinjuku Line "Kudanshita" station, Exit 2 (10 minutes)