Japanese and English with simultaneous translation
Creative writing: lifting the treasures of memory – workshop with author and film director Doris Dörrie

Opening your own treasure box, taking out memories, bringing them to light, dusting them off and looking at them - this is what Doris Dörrie has developed practices of 'creative writing' for, saying that all writing, from shopping lists to academic texts, is creative. In this workshop she will share her experiences, give examples and instructions. In a variety of ways, she will explore with participants approaches to memory and awareness. She shows how we can exercise the muscle of writing and thereby encounter our own lives, our own attitudes.
n.b. Advance registration required. Number of places are limited and knowledge of German is necessary. For details see: www.goethe.de/japan
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© Volker Derlath
Doris Dörrie studied performing arts in the USA and at the University of Television and Film in Munich, where she has been a professor since 1997. From the 1970s to the present day, she has directed more than 50 documentary and feature films and written more than 30 novels and short stories. Like no other German author, film and writing go hand in hand for her. She has received numerous German and international awards for both her literary and cinematic works. Her main interests are gender relations and cultural exchange. She's particularly interested in Japan and Buddhism.