English and Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation)
The Greek connection: Relating Greek to Japanese poetry

This session will be dedicated to the unexpected and multifaceted ways in which Greek and Japanese poetry meet. Based on the authorial work, in Greek and Japanese, of poet and translator Harry Ioseph, the discussion will focus on the Greek appreciation of haiku. Professor Fukuda will further comment on the interrelation and connection between Greek and Japanese literary landscapes, authors, and genres, and give, together with Harry Ioseph, some interesting insight on issues surrounding translation from and to both languages.

Harry Ioseph
IOSEPH Harry was born in Paris but grew up in Athens. He published his first book of collected poems under the title Avgonyma in 2014 (Captain Book Ed.) and a second collection titled Agnafa rhaki in 2016 (Sokoli). 2019 marks the publication of his poetic dialogues Logou Nekyia (Perispomeni) and his collection The island of ideal Julys (Saixpirikon). His monologue Ton Strophadon estin was printed in 2020 (Perispomeni). Harry’s poetry, critical reviews and other texts have appeared in printed and online poetry reviews and periodicals.

Kosuke Fukuda
Born in Ehime in 1990. He studied the history of Western Philosophy at Department of History of Western Philosophy in Kyoto University (mainly Spinoza) and History of Modern Greek Literature at Department of Modern Cultural Studies in Kyoto University (M.A., Ph.D.) and Faculty of Philosophy in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (visiting scholar) (mainly Kazanzakis' thoughts and works). He is currently a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Letters in Kyoto University. His writings in Greek include "Kazanzakis and Greekness (ο Καζαντζάκης και η Ελληνικότητα)" (Νίκος Καζαντζάκης, Η απω-ανατολική ματιά " (Επιμέλεια Έλενα Αβραμίδου, Ένεκεν, 2019)), and his main translations include Ascesis (Ασκητική) (Kyōritsu, 2018).