English (with simultaneous interpretation into Japanese)
Nature, ZEN & Western art (From Gaudi to the beat generation and modern literature)

Japanese culture has always been closely linked to nature, from Zen Buddhism and Shintoism to artistic expressions such as haiku or Kurosawa's cinematography. Nowadays, the Western world is alive and brimming with naturalist literature. Ecology and ecosophy are together becoming a new trend, but have their roots in a much older tradition. The Romantic artists were the first to "discover" nature in the West, with American transcendentalists such as Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman following their path. In architecture, Antoni Gaudi and Frank Lloyd Wright found inspiration in nature. From there, the Beat Generation and the counterculture of the 1960s brought ecology into the mainstream so that it comes back to us today. Let's discover this legacy and learn about the new naturalism in the West.
※ Speaker will participate virtually (online)

Alexis Racionero Ragué
Alexis Racionero Ragué, Art History Phd, Historian (UB), Master in screen and creative writing (UAB). Specialist in eastern philosophy, the hero’s journey and counterculture. Cinema teacher for many years at ESCAC who studied cinema at (USC, Los Angeles) and San Antonio de los Baños (Cuba). Gestalt therapist, yoga and meditation master and generative coacher. Gives lectures, retreats and intense workshops with his method wakenpath. Writer and contributor for La Vanguardia & El Mundo deportivo.
Among his books are Darshan, filosofía oriental para la vida cotidiana (Kairós), El ansia de vagar (RBA, Eurostar travel literature prize), Yoga un estilo de vida (Siglantana), El viaje del héroe (Kairós) and Ecotopía (Anagrama). His next book is about the Myths of the Underground and he is preparing another on the Paths of the Samurai.