English (with consecutive interpretation into Japanese)
Art and science - finn foton og kvantefysikken (Finn Foton and Quantum Physics) and TABTE SOMRE (Lost Summer)

Merging art and science in novel book formats – why?
After introducing the vision for their collaboration, the collaborators present the Finn Foton children's book series, with a special focus on the first book Finn Foton and the quantum physics, and explain how the books have become a key reference tool in events for children in both Denmark and Japan. They will then discuss how the interplay between art and science has been explored in graphic novels targeting young and adult audiences. In particular, they will introduce the thoughts and ideas behind the book Lost Summer, which is an interpretation of the iconic Bohr-Einstein dialogue on quantum mechanics.
Read the works related to this programme online

Jan Egesborg
Jan Egesborg has authored 17 books in various genres, ranging from children’s book, to graphic novels and textbooks. He is passionate about science and mathematics and is deeply fascinated by the interplay between science and arts. Jan Egesborg lives on the tiny island of Fanoe in the Danish Wadden Sea, and the harsh weather at the Danish West Coast, the rough nature of the island, and the people living there are all central inspirations for his writings.

Ulrich Hoff
Ulrich Hoff received his PhD in quantum physics in 2015 and is currently a senior adviser in quantum technology at the Center for Macroscopic Quantum States, Technical University of Denmark. He is board member of the Danish Quantum Community and very active in the building of a Danish quantum ecosystem. In addition to his research, Ulrich is a keen science communicator, devoting much time to unfolding physics to children and adults alike, and with a particular interest in exploring novel ways of merging arts and science. This has resulted in co-authorship of 5 children’s books and 3 graphic novels.

Akiko Kamigori
Akiko Kamigori received her Msc in mechanical system engineering. Before joining the Danish Embassy, she worked for semiconductor, mobile phone and cosmetic industry as engineer and researcher at both Japanese and EU companies. She currently supports Danish technology companies and research institutes as daily work. As her lifework, she would like to contribute to human and technical exchanges between Japan and Denmark.