Italian and Japanese (with consecutive interpretation)
Pasolini from cinema to literature: new linguistic issues

Two scholars – an Italian specialising in cinema and a Japanese specialising in literature – join forces to tackle two aspects which until now have rarely been considered together in Japan: Pasolini as a film-maker and as a writer. In the 1960s, after making his debut with the film Accattone, Pasolini dealt with "linguistic issues" in increasing depth (note his well-known 1964 essay on the Italian language Nuove questioni linguistiche), having always experimented with a variety of literary registers in a macaronic way. He felt that issues of language constantly occur in cinema and literature, since in his theoretical writings, cinema is defined as the "written language of reality".
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Giacomo Manzoli
Professor of the History of Italian Cinema at the University of Bologna, where he was president of the DAMS Degree Course and is currently director of the Department of the Arts. He has taught as a visiting professor in various Italian and foreign universities, including the University of Urbino, the Catholic University of Milan and Brown University (Providence, USA). Among his publications: Il cinema di stato. Finanziamento pubblico ed economia simbolica nel cinema italiano (il Mulino, 2017), Da Ercole a Fantozzi. Cinema popolare e società italiana dal boom economico alla neotelevisione (Carocci, 2012), Cinema e letteratura (Carocci, 2003), Voce e silenzio nel cinema di Pier Paolo Pasolini (Pendragon, 2001).

Hideyuki Doi
Hideyuki Doi, after receiving a Ph.D. degree in Italian Studies at the University of Bologna, currently teaches Italian literature at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Tokyo. In recent years, his research has developed around the various expressions of the early twentieth-century Italian and Japanese avant-gardes. Among his works: Interlinee: studi comparati e oltre (Cesati, 2021); Guida alla storia italiana moderna e contemporanea [in Japanese] (co-editor, Minerva, 2017); L’esperienza friulana di Pasolini. Cinque studi (Cesati, 2011).