Spanish-Japanese consecutive interpretation
17:00 - 18:00
Goethe-Institut Tokyo
Highly acclaimed writer of Japanese origin, Fernando Iwasaki reads from and discusses his works with Ryukichi Terao, translator of Spanish and Latin American literature.
Fernando Iwasaki
Writer, researcher, academic, philologist and historian (Lima, 1961) holding Spanish and Peruvian passports and with Nikkei background. He lives in Seville since 1989, where he earned his Ph.D. in American history. Currently teaching at the Loyola Andalucía University and writing for various Spanish and Latin American media. He authored three books on historical research, two novels, seven short stories books and seven compilations of articles and features. Winner of the Don Quixote Journalism Prize in 2015 at the XXXII edition of the King of Spain Journalism Awards. His novel The Book of Bad Love and his book of fairy tales Peruvian Inquisitions, with a foreword by writer Yoshitaka Tsutsui, are translated to Japanese.
Ryukichi Terao
Japanese essayist and translator (b. Nagoya, 1971). Ph.D. in Latin American studies from the University of Tokyo. Professor and researcher at Ferris University, Yokohama. Has undertaken translations of works by prominent Spanish and Latin American writers into Japanese (Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Juan Gelman, Juan Carlos Onetti, Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, Julio Cortázar, Horacio Castellanos Mora, Jorge Edwards, Antonio Gamoneda, Sergio Ramírez, Ernesto Sabato, Juan José Saer y José Donoso) as well as Japanese writers into Spanish (Junichiro Tanizaki, Kenzaburo Oe, Kobo Abe, and Ryunosuke Akutagawa).
With the support of:

Fernando Iwasaki
Ryukichi Terao

AkasakaGoethe-Institut Tokyo
7-5-56 Akasaka, Minato-ku
8 minutes walk from Aoyama Itchome Station, Exit North 4, Tokyo Metro (Ginza line, Hanzomon line, Oedo line)